Contact Us

Karmel Connect, Inc.

1835 W. Katella Ave

Anaheim, Ca 92804

Fax: 714-670-3496

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Confirm Reservations

Confirm Reservations using your travel agent confirmation/Voucher Number.

Use your travel agent or online booking agents voucher or confirmation number to confirm your airport shuttle transfers!

Karmel QR Code

SCAN this code with your Smart Phone instantly store Karmel Shuttle’s Contact information in your contacts.

Confirm using your Walt Disney travel confirmation number:

If you booked your reservations through Walt Disney Travel Company, confirm here using your WDTC reservation number.

Confirm using your Travel agent reservation number:

If you booked your reservations through a travel agent, such as Flight Centre, Westjet, Helloworld, etc…and not directly through Karmel Shuttle, confirm here using your travel agent confirmation number.

Any issues using confirming reservations, you can TEXT us at 714-670-3480

For Limousines and Bus/Group requests, fill out the email form below

Email requests may take up to 24 hours to respond to. You may email us at
For urgent assistance TEXT or call us 714-670-3480
DO NOT email us for any reservation changes, cancellations or reservation requests.